Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Speech/Language Delay


Speech delay, also known as alalia, refers to a delay in the development or use of the mechanisms that produce speech. Language delay is a communication disorder, a category that includes a wide variety of speech, language, and hearing impairments.

The milestones of language development, including the onset of babbling and a child's first words and sentences, normally occur within approximate age ranges. Speech/language delay is the most common developmental disorder in children aged three to 16 years, affecting approximately 3 to 10 percent of children. It is three to four times more common in boys than in girls.


Symptoms based on healthofchildren.com are as follows:

  • failure to meet the  developmental milestones for language development
  • language development that lags behind other children of the same age by at least one year
  • inability to follow directions
  • slow or incomprehensible speech after three years of age
  • serious difficulties with syntax (placing words in a sentence in the correct order)
  • serious difficulties with articulation, including the substitution, omission, or distortion of certain sounds
Specific symptoms of language delay may include the following:
  • not babbling by 12 to 15 months of age
  • not understanding simple commands by 18 months of age
  • not talking by two years of age
  • not using sentences by three years of age
  • not being able to tell a simple story by four or five years of age

Before your child reaches age 2, there's wide variation in what's considered normal. But some signs that may indicate he needs help:

At 1 year: (s)he isn't babbling or speaking in mock sentences at all. He doesn't seem to understand or respond when you talk.

At 18 months: (s)he hasn't said at least one word.

At 2 years: (s)he says only a few words and communicates mostly through grunting and pointing, or he's losing language skills—either his vocabulary has shrunk or he no longer talks very much.

At 2 1/2 years: (s)he's still speaking in single syllables, drops final consonants or doesn't have a vocabulary of 50 words.

At 3 years: Strangers can't understand his pronunciation, or he speaks using only simple two-word phrases.

What to do?

Kids acquire speech, like all the other developmental skills, at their own pace. Most children who talk late eventually catch up. But if you have concerns about your child, don't hesitate to discuss them with your pediatrician, who can guide you to a specialist if necessary.
The therapy will be based on the cause. When the cause is less environmental stimulation, you can do several stimulations:
  • Before age 2 1/2, listening to your voice is a great way for your child to learn to talk, so read aloud, sing songs and ask open-ended questions to invite conversation.
  • Blowing bubbles can develop oral muscles
  • toy phones and pretend play encourage talking.
  • Massage your child's cheek and oral cavity

Famous late talkers 

based on parenting.com

When you're tired of being asked when your child is going to talk, remember that these successful people didn't begin talking until they were at least 2—and, in some cases, 4!

  • Gary Becker, Nobel Prize-winning economist
  • Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist
  • Julia Robinson, the first woman president of the American Mathematical Society
  • Arthur Rubinstein, piano virtuoso
  • Edward Teller, physicist and nuclear power pioneer

Monday, April 27, 2015

Kajian Keberadaan Virus Avian Influenza pada Unggas di Pasar Burung Pramuka, Jakarta.



TESIS. Program Studi Mikrobiologi Medik, Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 2013

Penyakit Avian Influenza (AI) atau flu burung yang disebabkan oleh virus influenza tipe A dari keluarga Orthomyxoviridae telah menimbulkan dampak global yang besar, baik di bidang kesehatan, sosial maupun ekonomi. Virus AI dapat menginfeksi beragam unggas maupun mamalia sehingga pasar burung sebagai tempat bertemunya manusia dan unggas berpotensi menjadi sarana penyebaran virus AI antar unggas atau penularan dari unggas ke manusia. Mengingat peran unggas dalam penyebaran virus AI dan banyaknya spesies unggas di Indonesia, maka penelitian mengenai keberadaan virus AI pada unggas, terutama di Pasar Burung Pramuka sebagai pasar burung terbesar di DKI Jakarta sangat diperlukan.
Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keberadaan virus AI pada berbagai spesies unggas di Pasar Burung Pramuka Jakarta. Secara khusus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengkaji keberadaan virus AI dan H5 dari sampel usap orofaringeal, usap kloakal, dan feses (kontaminasi lingkungan) dari berbagai spesies unggas menggunakan metode real time Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR); (2) mendeteksi keberadaan antibodi terhadap virus AI (H5) pada berbagai spesies unggas dengan uji hemaglutinasi inhibisi (HI); dan (3) mengetahui pengaruh cuaca dan asal geografis unggas dengan keberadaan virus AI.
Selama bulan April sampai dengan September 2011, jumlah sampel lapangan yang berhasil dikoleksi dari Pasar Burung Pramuka, Jakarta adalah sebanyak 862 sampel dari 28 famili dan 96 spesies unggas yang berbeda. Sampel tersebut terdiri atas 649 sampel feses, 114 sampel usap kloakal, dan 99 sampel usap orofaringeal. Dari sampel lapangan, sebanyak 7 dari 649 sampel feses (1.08%) positif AI. Namun, tidak ada sampel usap orofaringel dan usap kloakal yang positif AI. Sampel feses yang positif terdeteksi pada empat spesies unggas, yaitu tiga ekor burung Kacer (Copsychus saularis, famili Turdidae), dua ekor burung Kacamata (Zosterops palpebrosus, famili Zostropidae), satu ekor burung Trucuk (Pycnonotus goiavier, famili Pycnotidae), dan satu ekor burung Robin (Leiothrix lutea, famili Sylviidae).
Selain sampel lapangan, selama bulan April sampai dengan September 2011, sebanyak 178 unggas dari 21 famili dan 47 spesies yang berbeda dibeli dari pasar yang sama. Dari unggas yang dibeli, sebanyak dua ekor unggas (1.12%) postif virus AI. Kedua ekor unggas tersebut merupakan burung Kacamata (Zosterops palpebrosus, famili Zostropidae). Seluruh sampel feses maupun unggas dibeli yang positif dikoleksi dari ordo Passeriformis. Namun berdasarkan uji rRT-PCR tidak ada sampel yang positif H5.
Sebanyak 163 sampel serum dikoleksi dari 178 unggas yang dibeli di Pasar Burung Pramuka. Berdasarkan uji HI menggunakan antigen A/Legok/IPB-SGT/1/2004 (H5N1) maupun A/Ck/West Java/PWT-Wij/2006 (H5N1), sebanyak tujuh dari 163 unggas (4.29%) positif memiliki antibodi terhadap AI (H5). Terdapat perbedaan titer HI antara kedua antigen tersebut. Dengan menggunakan antigen A/Legok/IPB-SGT/1/2004 (H5N1), terdapat dua sampel yang positif kuat dengan titer ≥ 24, sedangkan lima lainnya positif lemah dengan titer < 24. Hasil positif kuat berdasarkan uji HI diperoleh dari dua ekor burung kutilang (Pycnonotus aurigaster, famili Pycnotidae). Sedangkan hasil positif lemah diperoleh dari masing-masing satu ekor angsa (Cygnus sp., famili Anatidae), bebek (Anas sp., famili Anatidae), burung emprit/bondol haji (Lonchura maja, famili Ploceidae), tekukur (Streptopelia chinensis, famili Columbidae), dan kruwok (Nyctorax nyctorax¸ famili Ardeidae). Dengan menggunakan antigen A/Ck/West Java/PWT-Wij/2006 (H5N1), rata-rata titer HI yang diperoleh lebih tinggi, yakni lima ekor unggas positif kuat (emprit, angsa, kruwok dan dua ekor kutilang), sedangkan dua ekor unggas (bebek dan tekukur) positif lemah.
Unggas di Pasar Burung Pramuka, Jakarta yang terinfeksi AI umumnya berasal dari pulau Jawa, namun ada pula unggas yang diimpor. Virus AI terdeteksi pada kelompok burung hias atau kicauan, sedangkan antibodi AI (H5) terdeteksi pada kelompok unggas air, unggas lahan basah, dan burung hias atau kicauan. Tidak ada pengaruh nyata antara kejadian AI dengan cuaca walaupun terjadi peningkatan kasus AI di musim pancaroba.
Penelitian ini menambah informasi mengenai AI pada unggas yang dijual di Pasar Burung. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui subtipe virus AI selain H5 pada unggas maupun hewan lain yang dijual di Pasar Burung Pramuka, Jakarta.

Kata kunci: Avian influenza, pasar burung, realtime RT-PCR, uji hemaglutinasi-inhibisi, unggas.

Apabila mengutip, mohon mencantumkan sumber kutipan. Terima kasih
Full Text Link to thesis

Investigation of Avian Influenza Virus on Birds in Pramuka Bird Market, Jakarta

Written by DORDIA ANINDITA ROTINSULU. Under direction of SURACHMI SETIYANINGSIH and ABDULGANI AMRI SIREGAR. Thesis. School of Graduate Program. Bogor Agricultural University. January 2013.


Investigation of Avian Influenza Virus on Birds in Pramuka Bird Market, Jakarta

Avian Influenza (AI) which is caused by influenzavirus A of the family Orthomyxoviridae cause an important impact, including in health, social and economic sectors. AI viruses (AIV) can infect various birds and mammals, therefore bird market as a meeting place for human and poultry can potentially transmit AI ​​virus among birds or from birds to human. Indonesia is a habitat of various bird species; therefore research about AIV on bird, especially which are sold in the Pramuka Bird Market, as the biggest bird market in Jakarta, is urgently needed.
In general, the aim of this study was to examine the presence of AIV in various bird species sold in Pramuka Bird Market, Jakarta. Specifically, the aims of this study were: (1) to assess the presence of H5 AI virus in oropharyngeal swab, cloacal swab, and fecal samples of various bird species using real time Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR); (2) to detect the presence of antibodies against AIV (H5) in various bird species using hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test, and (3) to determine the relationship among weather and geographic origin of birds to the prevalence of  AIV.
During April until September 2011, a number of 862 field samples from 28 families and 96 bird species were collected in Pramuka Bird Market, Jakarta. These field samples consisted of 649 fecal samples, 114 cloacal swab samples, and 99 oropharyngeal swab samples. As many as 7 of 649 faecal samples (1.08%) were positive AI. However, none cloacal or oropharyngel swab were positive AI. Positive fecal samples were detected in four bird species, which are three magpie-robins (Copsychus saularis, family Turdidae), two white-eyes (Zosterops palpebrosus, family Zostropidae), a yellow-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier, family Pycnotidae), and a robin (Leiothrix lutea, family Sylviidae).
In addition to field samples, during April until September 2011, 178 birds from 21 families and 47 species were purchased from the same bird market. From 178 birds, two birds (1.12%), which were two white-eyes (Zosterops palpebrosus, family Zostropidae), were positive AI. The whole positive samples were from Passeriformis order. However, based on rRT-PCR result, there were no H5 positive samples.
A number of 163 serum samples were collected from 178 purchased birds from Pramuka Bird Market. Based on HI test using antigen A/Legok/IPB-SGT/1/2004 (H5N1) and A/Ck/West Java/PWT-Wij/2006 (H5N1), seven of 163 birds (4.29%) had positive antibodies to AI. There were differences in HI titers between the two antigens. By using A/Legok/IPB-SGT/1/2004 (H5N1) antigen, two sample were strongly positive (titers ≥ 24), while the other five samples were weakly positive (titers <24). Strongly positive results were obtained from two scooty-headed bulbul (Pycnonotus aurigaster, family Pycnotidae). While the weakly positive results were obtained from a swan (Cygnus sp., family Anatidae), a duck (Anas sp., family Anatidae), a munia (Lonchura maja, family Ploceidae), a spotted-dove (Streptopelia chinensis, family Columbidae), and a black-crowned night heron (Nyctorax nyctorax, family Ardeidae). By using A/Ck/West Java/PWT-Wij/2006 (H5N1) antigen, the average HI titer obtained was higher. Five samples were strongly positive (Lonchura maja, Cygnus sp., Nyctorax nyctorax, and two Pycnonotus aurigaster), while samples from Anas sp. and Streptopelia chinensis were weakly positive.
Most of the positive samples were from birds caught in Java Island, but beside that there was also one imported bird. Avian influenza virus were detected in singing birds, whereas the antibody against AI (H5) were detected in waterfowl, wetland birds, and singing birds. There was no significant relationship between the prevalence of AI and weather, despite an increase in AI cases during the transition season. Results of this study provide important information about the prevalence of AI virus on birds sold in Bird Market, Jakarta. Further research is needed to determine the subtype other than H5 AI virus in birds and other animals sold in Pramuka Bird Market, Jakarta.

Keywords:  Avian influenza, bird, bird market, heamagglutination inhibition test, realtime RT-PCR.

Link to thesis   Full text

Travelling in Dresden and Berlin, Germany 2007


Dresden is the capital of the Free State of Saxony. It is one of the most beautiful German cities. The city is divided into old town and new town. The architecture with the Baroque style in the old town really attracts my interest. After being destroyed in 1945, many building were rebuilt.
The Church of our LadyDresden

I think that the Church of our Lady is very beautiful and it has an interesting history. This is Germany’s most important protestant church. Its characteristic dome collapsed on 15th February 1945 after the bombs raids. The church has since regained its originally appearance, largely through donations received from all over the world.

The Moritz Castle

Besides the Church of our Lady, I find other buildings, for example the City hall, Church of the Holy Cross, the Cathedral, the Zwinger, the Semper Oper House, the Moritz Castle and the Pillnitz Castle very interesting and beautiful. Those buildings showed that Germany has a good architecture and that Germany appreciates art, culture and history.

The Zwinger, Dresden
 During my stay in Dresden, I have visited the Volkswagen (VW) Glass Manufactory and Feldschloesschen Pilsener Beer Industry. I found it very interesting because it proved that Dresden is not only a city of art and culture but also a city of innovative ideas and creativity. The VW Glass Manufactory showed sophisticated architecture as the setting for an innovative combination of art and production. I think that the other Germany’s Industries are also very good and have excellent technology. The Germany’s industries really attract my interest.


The situation in Berlin is different than in Dresden. Berlin is really a big city. As the capital of Germany, Berlin is crowed and too big for me. I thought that I can be lost if I didn’t follow my guide. There are many interesting places to visit in Berlin. We made a city tour around Berlin and visited the Berlin Wall, Brandenburger Gate, Alexanderplatz, the Budy Bears Monument, Postdamer Platz, Holocaust Monument and Museum and the Deutsche Bundestag.

Paintings on the Berlin-Wall
One of my most invaluable experiences during my stay in Germany is visiting the Deutsche Bundestag. I haven’t ever visited a national congress building (Gedung MPR/DPR) even in my country, Indonesia. Therefore I find it very cool and interesting to visit the national congress building far away from my country and it is in Germany. Das ist echt Super! From this building we can have a beautiful overlook around Berlin.

The Deutsche Bundestag

Sunday, April 26, 2015

International Dresden Summer Course 2007 at TUDIAS, Technical University, Dresden

          This post is about my experince during an International Summer Course 2007 about German Language and Culture in Dresden. I would like to thank GIS sponsoring companies and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the opportunity and trust given to me so I can be supported by the German Industries Scholarship (GIS) and receive a scholarship to follow a University Summer Course 2007 in Germany. This scholarship has improved my German language skills, enriched my knowledge about German Culture and therefore strengthens my love and interest about Germany.
             On 11th August 2007 I went from Giessen to Dresden by train. In Dresden I was picked up by my friend from Indonesia. She receives a DAAD professional Scholarship. I stayed for one night in her flat. She explained me a lot of simple but interesting things, for example: how to buy tickets from an automatic machine, the places where I can buy rice and Asiatic food, where the church is, how to open and use an automatic key with infra red sensor, and the fact that we can drink water from the water faucet directly without cooking it.
            I checked in the the Studentenwerk Dresden's International Guest House at Hochschulstraße 50 on Sunday, 12th August 2007. The Guest House is located directly on the university campus and the course place. From the Guest house I can reach the central station (Dresden Hauptbahnhof) and the city centre, with all its famous sights, within a couple of minutes. On Monday, 13th August 2007 I went to TUDIAS for registration. The course program started on 14th August 2007. There were 114 course participants from 30 different countries. I was the only participant from Indonesia.
International Dresdner Summer Course 2007 

The course
            International Dresden Summer Course 2007 at TUDIAS, Technical University, Dresden was an intensive German language course. Besides the mainly concern lectures, workshop and exercise, this course also offers excursion, day trips, guided tours, visit in the museum and spare time activities.
            At the first day of this course, I followed a placement test. According to the placement test my class was VII A. Class IA is the lowest class and class VIIIA is the most advanced class. The course level for my class was for C1. 
          The name of my teacher was Mr. Holm Buchner. There were 14 course participants in my class. Mr. Buchner is a good teacher. He made the course atmosphere so interesting, fun and enjoyable. My classmates came from different countries. They came from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Turkey, China, Ukraine, Russia, South Korea and Czech.  
In front of The Berlin-wall with my friends from Russia and Poland

My Clasmates

           The learning method was very good and interesting. I have improved my German language skill because I used this language every day. This course gave me the opportunity to read, listen, write and speak German intensively every day.
            We mostly practiced to speak German and to listen the German language. In some dialogues, we explained about the situation based on the topic in our country or hometown. We shared about the culture and social condition in each course participant’s country. We listened to different dialogues and German songs, for example Mensch, Aufstehn, Du traegst keine Liebe in Dir, Maennersachen, etc. I really enjoyed the songs. I think that it is a good way to learn German. Besides speaking and listening, we also learned about the German Grammar, reading comprehension and wrote some German text by our selves.

Intercultural experiences
            During the course, I get many friends from different countries. One of my best friends comes from Bulgaria. I find very interesting and funny that the Bulgarians have a different and unique body language to say yes and no. The Bulgarians say yes by shaking their head to left and right and they say no by shaking their head up and down. These are opposite than the common way from other countries to say yes and no.
            My friends who lived in the same flat come from South Korea and Japan. They are very kind and we have a good friendship until now. During our stay in the Guest house, they cooked some traditional food from Korea and Japan and we had a dinner together. We also explained to each other many things about our country.
My friends who lived in the same flat at the Guest House.
The location is besides the Elbe River.

Back to Indonesia
I checked out from the Studentenwerk Dresden's International Guest House on 1st September 2007. On that day, I went from Dresden to Mainz by using Intercity Express Train. My friends picked me up at the Mainz central station and I stayed in their house during 1st until 4th September 2007.
On 4th September 2007 I was flying from Frankfurt International airport back to Indonesia using Royal Brunai Airlines. At the Frankfurter airport, I met another DAAD Scholarship holder from Indonesia. His name is Ade from Yogyakarta. I was a little bit sad and also happy. I was sad because after one month in Germany I must leave this country. I was happy because I received so many invaluable experiences in Germany and after I arrived in Indonesia I could share it to other people. 
I hope that one day I can visit this country again.

Comparative Study at The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Justus-Liebig University, Germany 2007

          This post is about my experience during a Comparative study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany in  2007. I was sponsored by The German Insustries Scholarship (GIS). First, I would like to thank GIS sponsoring companies and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the opportunity and trust given to me so I can be supported by the German Industries Scholarship (GIS) and receive a scholarship to do a comparative study and follow a University Summer Course 2007 in Germany
            I was flying to Germany from Soekarno Hatta International Airport on 4th August 2007 using Royal Brunai Airlines. We transited in Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunai Darusalam) and Bangkok (Thailand) before we arrived in Frankfurt International airport.
            At 5th August 2007, I arrived at Frankfurt International airport, Germany. I met two friends of mine at this airport and then we went to their home in Mainz. I really enjoy my first day in Germany, it was really nice. I said: “Wow, finally I can visit Germany again”. On 5th August 2007 we visited a secondhand goods market (Flohmarkt) in Wiesbaden. It was really interesting and of course cheaper than in a normal market. Because of the jetlag, I felt very tired on my first day in Germany. I have taken a long rest and slept very tight at night.

            Comparative Study at Justus Liebig University

            On 6th-11th August I made comparative studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Justus-Liebig University (JLU), Giessen, Germany. I stayed by Family Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Hoffmann, a Professor for Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction and a Lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Justus-Liebig University. Prof. Bernd Hoffmann and his family are very kind, patient and nice to me.
          I find very invaluable that they are so patient to listen and communicate with me although I made many mistakes in German language. In order to improve my German skills, they motivated me to speak German even they can speak English very well. They also told me a lot about Germany and especially about Veterinary Medicine education system and organization in Germany.
Comparative study at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Giessen

Dinner with Prof. Bernd Hoffmann and family

           During my comparative study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, I particularly visited the Institute of Veterinary Pathology, and participated in student training and patient care in the Clinic for Small Animals and the Clinic for Veterinary Obstretrics, Gynaecology and Andrology of Large and Small Animals.
On my first day, Prof. Dr. med. vet. Manfred Reinacher, the Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine explained me about the general overview of this Faculty. He was very kind and conducted me to go around the Faculty and explained me more about the facilities and activities in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine JLU. I find it very interesting and unforgettable. Although I just visit this Faculty for one week but it gave me a lot of very valuable experiences especially for my study. 
During my visit, Prof. Krammer in the Clinic for Small Animals also allowed me to assist veterinarians for a bone-operation. It was very interesting, because the veterinarians worked very professional, sterile and seriousy. I was also surprised that they also listened to music during the operation. I guess it makes them feel more relax.

Sightseeing around Giessen and Reunion
          As I was a child, I lived and studied in Giessen for five years. I still have contact with my ex classmates. We made an appointment and meet each other. It was very nice and I am so happy that I can meet my friend again after 12 years! He and his sister guided me around the city and showed me some tourist places in Giessen, for example the Botanical Garden, Giessen Theater and some monuments. We have driven to our Elementary school and visited the house where I lived 12 years ago. It was a rare but nice and unforgettable feeling as I walked on the same road where I had walked everyday in the past for 12-17 years ago! The road and my ex-house have not changed a lot. 
Visiting the apartment where I lived in 1990-1995

Hmm, I am pretty sure that I will visit Giessen again :-).